What is Taxes

Tax preparation involves preparing tax returns, including income tax returns, for taxpayers and their representatives. Tax preparers determine the amount clients should receive from or pay to the government. Most tax preparers use tax preparation software and online resources, but some rely solely on their own knowledge and computational abilities. These professionals sign and file tax returns for individuals and businesses.

Tax Preparers help clients file their taxes and ensure the accuracy of various tax forms. They prepare their clients to be able to pay any needed fees and review financial records. They also calculate tax returns, managing communication between clients and tax authorities.

Tax Preparer is responsible for submitting tax forms on behalf of clients to pay the appropriate amount and maximize the client’s return. Their duties include interviewing clients about their income and expenses, auditing account details and acting as a liaison between clients and the IRS.

How do I help?

Taxes can be overwhelming for someone who hasn’t filed it on there own. They are many question a client may have on what deduction or right offs they can put. I’m here to help , I can help you file your taxes correctly with some knowledge in the your taxes if it a personal tax or small business tax.

My main role will be working with the individual taxpayer, getting as much info as I can with the documents and statements they give me , it can be with W2s, 1099 forms, pay stub or some type of income receipt to figure out the gross income . I also like to help with applying for ITINs which are number assign to you by IRS to file your taxes if you don’t have a social security #. I’m here to help you  file you taxes correctly and helping you to receive if possible a refund.I work with small business owners and individual taxpayers, they will bring on there documents like w2, 1099s, pay stubs, income receipts or papers any dependents information like social security and birth certificate.

I try to help with give them as much tax breaks an deductions possible to give them that best outcome in refunds or money being paid back.