What is Immigration Document Specialist

An Immigration Forms Specialist (IFS) is someone who helps people complete immigration forms to enter and live in the United States.There are many USCIS forms immigrants need help with, like the I-485 (to become a permanent resident or “green card holder”) and the N-400 (application for U.S. citizenship). To fill out these official forms correctly requires English-language fluency. Strong attention to detail is needed to prepare the submission packages to meet the requirements of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The primary service an IFS provides is helping people complete immigration forms and prepare packages for submission to USCIS. To fill out a person’s immigration documents thoroughly, an IFS may perform additional services. These services may include translating the applicant’s answers to questions on the forms and collecting required support documents, such as birth certificates.

An Immigration Forms Specialist is not allowed to perform services that an attorney or accredited representative would provide, such as explaining immigration options, giving advice about which immigration forms to use, or representing a client at an immigration hearing.

How do I help?

How I help with question you may have on your immigration form, help completing the applications. I Can help translated the clients answers to questions on the forms. With my clients I can help them collect supporting documents like birth certificates, divorce decrees, copies of passport and  submitting completed forms to immigration authorities on the applicant behalf.  

If your case is more complex, I can referral you to a immigration attorney to provide legal representation in an immigration matter. Im; always here to help and any way I can.

I help prepare documents for clients who will like to bring a family over to the united states,  I help with preparing a client to be a citizenship , providing them the information they will need to submit there application correctly and help them mail it or transmit it online. I help with questions they may have and the resource they need.